We are very excited to announce the launch of our new, recently designed website. Visit us at www.cpcic.rw . After months of hard, dedicated work, we are delighted to officially announce, that since June 25th, 2021, our website is officially online. It is faster, easier to navigate, user-friendly and adaptive to a variety of users and platforms.
As a champion of circular economy, eco-innovation and resources efficiency, it is imperative for us to make information available to everywhere, every time. Through this website, we are committed to provide our partners, stakeholders and clients with the most accurate, up-to-date and relevant information about our work to advance cleaner production, resources efficiency, circular economy and climate innovation trends in Rwanda. We will also provide access to our state-of-the art bank of knowledge and expertise in these fields.
Our goal with this new website is to provide our visitors an easier way to learn about the Cleaner Production and Climate Innovation services and to browse information based on their own choice. The new website gives better access to, among others, Who we Are, Our services, Our present and past Projects, news and tinsightful blogs and articles related to our work and a diverse, rich bank of tools, materials, manuals and inspiring documents to advance circular economy and resources efficiency in Rwanda.
We will be constantly updating our content with helpful information, cutting edge thought leadership, company announcements and client successes in the Blog, News and Knowledge Center. You can also sign up for our Quarterly Newsletter to keep in the loop of our latest updates and trends in the sector.
We would like to thank our talented staff who dedicated their time and energy to this project. Our special gratitude also goes to our partners, particularly the GGGI Rwanda and REMA for providing the financial means and technical support needed to bring this project to a successful completion. We are also grateful for the role played by NIRDA and other partners throughout the development of the project. We are forever and wholeheartedly grateful.