The CPCIC is a result of a merger between the decade-old Rwanda Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Center and the envisioned Climate Innovation Centre (CIC). CPCIC works to ensure that all technology, processes, services and choices made by the private and the public sector embrace the best practices in terms of climate change resilience and cleaner/efficient production.
Become a one stop center of excellence which provides and promotes cutting edge, modern access to green technologies and business services for enhanced productivity, the circular economy, climate resilience, competitiveness, environmental compliance and sustainable development results.
To become a Center of excellence and merit for Resource Efficient, Cleaner Production, Climate Innovation Technologies and Prosumer Economy in Rwanda.
Professionalism: Demonstrate self-determination, efficiency and high-standards in our work.
Transparency in all our initiatives, our work, interventions, plans and programs
Accountability to our stakeholders, partners and the public which ensures that we are accountable for any of our actions.
Firmness in our decisions and proceedings by exhibiting and upholding professional and ethical standards, equity and fairness in all our services and actions.