Awareness workshop promotion of cleaner production technologies under lvemp ii-(30th may 2013)

In order to sensitize industries to participate in the cleaner production program under LVEMP II, an Awareness Workshop on Promotion of Cleaner Production technologies was organized by the Ministry of trade and industry, Rwanda Resource efficient and Cleaner Production Center in collaboration with Kenya National Cleaner Production Center and Rwanda Environment Management Authority.

The objective of the workshop was to raise awareness of local enterprises and government institutions on Resource efficient and cleaner production principles and best practices and Lake Victoria Environment Management Project II. 

The broad objective of LVEMP II promotion of cleaner production technologies is to increase the competitiveness of the lake basin enterprises by promoting source reduction of wastes and negative impacts as well as enhancing resource efficiency through the application of cleaner production technologies and techniques. 

The awareness workshop on Promotion of Cleaner Production Technologies component   under LVEMP II was held on 30 May 2013 at Lemigo Hotel in Kigali, officially opened by the Director General Industry and trade at the Ministry of trade and industry Mr. Ruzibukila Alex,it was attended by more than 80 participants from industries, government institutions and academia  (see attached list of participants and their respective institutions ).

In his opening remarks, The DG Industry representing the Ministry of trade and the government of Rwanda, welcomed the participants and thank them on the usual response to the invitations from MINICOM. 

The D.G reminded the participants that the promotion of Cleaner Production technologies under LVEMP II is designed to address the industrial pollution challenges and unsustainable consumption patterns facing the Lake Victoria Basin. The project aims at increasing competitiveness of the Lake Basin enterprises by promoting source reduction of wastes and negative impacts as well as enhancing resource efficiency through the application of cleaner production technologies and techniques.

He also mentioned that the workshop is going to serve as a forum of all stakeholders to exchange experience on the utilization of modern technologies which do not harm the environment thus reducing the effects of climate change. 

He ended by emphasizing that the adoption of RECP by government institutions and private companies is a bridge towards the adoption of a new Private Sector Development Strategy, the preparation of EDPRS II and thereby contributing to the achievement of MDGs such as MDG-1 on poverty reduction and MDG-7 on environmental sustainability and achievement of Vision 2020 goals as well and by thanking development partners for their continued support to the government.  


Below are summaries of key points, remarks and recommendations from presenters.

1st Presentation: The benefits of Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production in SMEs 

The first presentation on the benefits of Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production “RECP” in SMES given by Steven NIYONZIMA, provided participants with knowledge on RECP overview, definition and importance and the benefits of adopting and implementing resource efficient and cleaner production. The presentation also provided the brief background on the component 2.2 of Lake Victoria Environment Management project II and its benefits. This presentation triggered participants’ eagerness of understanding the real definition of Resource efficient and cleaner production.

The presentation ended with participants asking questions especially on how the program is being implemented, How many companies have adopted RECP in Rwanda, and on the relationship between the Lake victoria Environment Management project II and Resource efficient and cleaner Production program.  The questions were successful answered by the speaker . 

2nd Presentation:  Sharing Cleaner Production best practices from the East Africa Community 

The 2nd presentation by Jane Nyakag’o, described the activities and achievements realized by sisters East African countries (Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda) under LVEMP II Component 2.2 Promotion of cleaner production technologies. The presentation also highlighted the steps of Promotion of cleaner production technologies in the above mentioned countries.    

At the end of the presentation, participants were given time for questions and suggestions.

3rd Presentation:  Promoting Resource Efficient and cleaner production in SMEs – Water and waste water analysis 

The 3rd presentation given by Olivier MBERA focused on water and waste water management in SMEs. The presentation highlighted the main areas in which water is used in industries, water flowcharts, water and wastewater measurements, benchmarks and water saving options in industries. 

The case studies on water analysis were presented to help participants understand the water and wastewater management process. 


4th Presentation: Promoting Resource Efficient and Cleaner production in SMES – Energy Analysis 

The 4th presentation was made by Jane Nyakag’o. She started her presentations by showing participants the energy saving opportunities in their respective industries, principles of energy saving, Measurements of energy consumptions, typical savings with boilers, air compressors, etc.  She ended by showing participants the achievements in energy saving realized by some east African companies.

The participants were given a plenary session to discuss on both energy and water saving in industries 


Key message & recommendations given by Participants during the Discussion and Way Forwards session 

  • The laboratory analysis should not  focus only on BOD, COD, TN and TP but also on heavy metals 
  • The approach applied  by RRECPC in industries should differ to the one of regulatory agencies ( RRECPC to act in a friendly manner focusing not only on environmental protection benefits but also to the Cleaner Production “CP” saving benefits to the industries)  
  • The project should reach many possible industries in Rwanda 
  • Participants indicated also that behavior change is key for industries to implement the CP program 
  • Rewarding system is needed to stimulate industries and award the best performers 
  • All industries participated in the workshop agreed to actively participate the LVEMP II program on Promotion of Cleaner production technologies 

The closing remark was made by the Coordinator LVEMP II –REMA. She wished the participants to take back the experience learned in the workshop to their respective industries and wished them a safe journey back to their respective institutions.